Nissan Makes Paint to Keep Cars Cool

Hi everyone!  Although fall is close, it still feels like summer!  Stay cool and keep drinking water.  In fact, today’s post is about keeping cool!


Recently, the Japanese car company Nissan developed a new type of paint that can actually regulate the temperature inside of a car.  Specifically, it can keep cars 12ºC cooler than regular cars, which will reduce the need for air conditioning.  The paint was created in partnership with a Chinese company called Radi-Cool.  Unfortunately, there is only 1 color available right now: white!  However, Nissan hopes to introduce a variety of colors in the next few years.  

Dr. Susumu Miura is the project learder for the new paint.  His research team at Nissan starting working on this project in 2021 and has spent countless hours researching a variety of ways to keep cars cooler.  He explained that paint is the easiest and most effective solution so far, but they will continue exploring other creative approaches in the future.  Miura went on to give more details about the paint and said it is 6 times thicker than ordinary paint, which will make the cars a bit more expensive.  However, it will save money in the end, especially for vehicles like ambulances that spend most of the day driving around under the hot sun.  


This exciting innovation is just one way that people around the world are trying to find solutions to our environmental problems.  Please discuss these important issues with your teachers at BRIDGE.  Thank you for reading!



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