Teacher’s BLOG– category –
Mr. Baseball
Hello to all! It is almost October now, and both in America and Japan, the playoffs for baseball will be starting soon. To get ready for this exciting time, I recommend watching a great Hollywood baseball movie. Mr. Bas... -
Nissan Makes Paint to Keep Cars Cool
Hi everyone! Although fall is close, it still feels like summer! Stay cool and keep drinking water. In fact, today's post is about keeping cool! Recently, the Japanese car company Nissan developed a new type of p... -
New Maori Queen in New Zealand
Hello again! This is Joey from BRIDGE, and hopefully, autumn will come soon. I'm really looking forward to the beautiful fall leaves that appear all over Japan, but I think we still have a few more weeks, maybe even months, o... -
New Fungus that Eats Plastic
Hello students, English learners and people all over Japan! We sincerely hope that everybody is okay after the typhoon. Some areas were hit very hard, and our thoughts are with anybody that was affected. Typhoons seem to be getting st... -
Olympic Stories: Simone Biles
Hello everybody! This is Joey again, and today, I want to talk about the Olympics! It is very exciting to watch so many great athletes from around the world compete. Japan has been performing well in Paris with 18 medals so far includi... -
Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Have you ever been to Hawaii? I have been there twice. You can enjoy doing many things there such as visiting beaches and eating delicious food. One of the beaches I like to visit is Laniakea Beach, which is also known as a Turtle Beach.... -
Adjective of the Day: Dapper
Hello everyone, it is time for another Adjective of the Day post. This time we will discuss the word dapper. dapper (adjective) neat and trim in dress and appearance (typically used of a man). You can use this word ... -
Adjective of the Day: Obsolete
Hello everybody! Today, we will start a series of posts which focus on adjectives. We would like all students to expand their vocabulary and try to use new, more specific words in conversation. These new adjectives coul... -
Legendary American Composer in Japan
Hello everybody! It has been a while since our last blog post, but we hope you are enjoying spring and preparing for the hot summer ahead. Today, our topic is the influential music composer, Terry Riley. Most of you probaly don't... -
Japanese Athletes in America!
Hey everybody! We hope that you are enjoying spring so far, and of course, please go outside and see the cherry blossoms before it's too late. Today, I'd like to introduce a great young athlete in America who is getting ... -
Happy Spring!
Hello, everybody! We are so happy to start another acadmeic year with you at BRIDGE. It is also cherry blossom season! Please tell me where you like to go to see the beautiful sakura in Nagoya. As for me, I love Na... -
Dog Movies
Hello everybody! It has been a long time since we last posted on the BRIDGE Teacher’s Blog. We all hope that 2024 is going well for you. Are you ready for spring and the beautiful cherry blossoms? I will definite...