Teacher’s BLOG– category –
Queen Elizabeth and England-Kyoko
Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was held and the BBC has been reporting on her for hours every day. Above all, what is engraved in people’s minds is the consciousness of being British. Through long term public service, the Queen was instrument... -
Heartwarming Good Story-Kyoko
At a certain dementia care facility in Germany, the staff were worried about how to deal with wondering elderly people. One day, a staff member noticed that there were many wondering old people who wanted to use buses to go home. Then, t... -
What is Scary?
Something interesting came up in a recent discussion class about ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. I`ve always been aware that the Japanese and European attitudes to ghosts and so on are quite different – for example, the Japanese... -
Halloween History!
Many students at our school ask us about the history of Halloween, and because the spooky holiday is coming soon, we thought we would answer that question! Halloween actually has a very long history and comes from the Celts, a group of p... -
いつもの「地球歩き」(=冒険旅)とは異なるけれど、年末年始に出かけた韓国旅について綴っています。 2時間で行けてしまう韓国は、コロナ前の2020年1月までは年に2-3度出かけていました。 そのほとんどが妹と一緒で、このときばかりは「大人女子旅」(←言...