ENGLISH– tag –
Chinese New Year
Hello to all you English learners! How are you enjoying the winter? In Nagoya, the temperature keeps fluctuating, but it has not been terribly cold this year. Let's all start looking forward to springtime and the b... -
Cold Water Therapy
Hello everyone! We hope you are doing well and trying to enjoy the winter. Today, our article is actually about how cold temperatures can help you. Specifically, scientists have found that spending time in cold wa... -
Roki Sasaki
Hello everyone! I hope you are surviving the winter. It feels much colder in Nagoya than last year. Anyway, let's hang in there until the beautiful spring comes. Also, when spring comes, the baseball s... -
Olympic Stories: Simone Biles
Hello everybody! This is Joey again, and today, I want to talk about the Olympics! It is very exciting to watch so many great athletes from around the world compete. Japan has been performing well in Paris with 18 medals so far includi... -
Where do you see me?
今日はちょっと粋な、こんな名言をご紹介します。 People always say: 'I never see you at the club.' I reply: 'I never see you at the bank.' (J. Money) 私、コレ好きです 皆がこう言うんだよ 「君をクラブで見かけることないよね」 だから、こう返す...